I had a nice trip to Columbus and Buffalo showing the new samples of the 4/4 (5/4?) BBb and CC.
Tony Zilincik met me at Buckeye Brass where he and his student Gretchen tried out the J-844LQ CC tuba. Gretchen ordered the sample.
Then off to Buffalo.

Don Harry, tubist in the BPO and professor of tuba at the Eastman School of Music put the new models through their paces. Don has been very gracious in testing and providing feedback. Mark Jones who plays second tuba in Buffalo was there as well and wrote a review on tubenet http://forums.chisham.com/viewtopic.php?t=50327&p=433306.
Mark is NOT an agent or salesman and was not coerced or bribed in any way. I am most pleased he liked the instruments and would be delighted to have anyone come to Elkhart to confirm for themselves. He speaks for himself and ordered a tuba, his second Gemeinhardt.
These are the first instruments built in China on the German tooling acquired from Walter Nisrchl and built briefly in Brazil before the tooling was moved to China. In my humble opinion they are second to none.
These approval samples are 4 valve instruments. I do not anticipate the dependent rotor having any impact on playability. Somewhat surprisingly both Tony and Don are fans of the J-844 FOUR valve CC tuba and see advantages to the reduced weight of only four. They found the privileged pedal notes to work well and were impressed with the long pulls on all four slides.
I don’t think I am mis-quoting Don or Tony in saying this J-744 is THE recommended school BBb tuba period. At a street price of $5227 a quality that rivals any and a playability that arguably blows the competition out of the water, it is no wonder. (BTW if Mark was an agent writing a sponsor ad on tubenet I would have asked him to say that. The H.S. BBb market is the larger market. LOL) (I would also have added a note about the ¾ BBb. It is in stock and a great horn for schools as well.)
I expect full production with delivery by the end of August and will be pleased to take the show on the road. Let me know if you would like to set up a local 'dog-and-pony-show' of Gemeinhardt (aka Big Mouth Brass) tubas. Prices range from $5227 for the 4v BBb in LQ to $6517 for the 5v CC in SP. The J-445SP F tuba and J-345SP EEb tuba street @ $4871.
I've posted pictures for those curious about the mouthpipe angle. It worked well for Gretchen and Tony. Mark liked it. Don may move it out a little as he rests the horn on his right thigh.
BTW Don also compared the new F with cross bar to his own earlier Gemeinhardt without the crossbar. Conclusion: Better ergonomics; no negatives. Alex Cauthen from Dallas was here a couple of weeks ago and came to the same conclusion. Mark asked me to order a cross bar for his F.

Gene: "Wow!"